文章標簽:專業翻譯公司 作者:湖南玖九翻譯公司
中國科學院:中國科學院百人計劃(Chinese Academy of Sciences: CAS Hundred Talents Project)
中國科學院:創新團隊國際合作伙伴計劃(Chinese Academy of Sciences: Program for Innovation Teams on International Cooperation)
中國科學院:海外評審專家項目(Chinese Academy of Sciences: Program for Overseas Evaluation Experts)
中國科學院:引進杰出技術人才項目(Chinese Academy of Sciences: Program for Introduction of Prominent Technical Talents)
中國氣象局:中國氣象局雙百計劃(China Meteorological Administration: Project for"Hundred Talents" Introduction and "Hundred Talents" Selection)
國家核電:國家核電外籍高層次人才引進計劃?。⊿tate Nuclear Power Technology Corporation(SNPTC): Program for Foreign High-Level Talents Introduction)
人力資源和社會保障部:回國(來華)定居工作專家項目(MOHRSS: Project for Experts' Return and Settlement in China)
人力資源和社會保障部:高層次留學人才回國資助計劃(MOHRSS: Funding Scheme for High-Level Overseas Chinese Students' Return)
人力資源和社會保障部:留學人員科技活動項目擇優資助計劃(MOHRSS: Funding Scheme to Outstanding Scientific and Technological Programs by Chinese Students Abroad)
人力資源和社會保障部:中國留學人員回國創業啟動支持計劃(MOHRSS: Supporting Scheme for Returned Overseas Chinese Students' Entrepreneurial Start-Ups)
人力資源和社會保障部:博士后國際交流計劃引進項目(MOHRSS: Project on Postdoctoral International Exchanges)
人力資源和社會保障部:海外赤子為國服務行動計劃(MOHRSS: Homeland-Serving Action Plan for Overseas Chinese)
國家外國專家局:高端外國專家項目(SAFEA: High-End Foreign Experts Project)
國家外國專家局:中國政府友誼獎項目(SAFEA: Chinese Government Friendship Award)
國家外國專家局:引進海外高層次文教專家重點支持項目(SAFEA: Program for the Introduction of High-Level Overseas Cultural and Educational Experts)
國家外國專家局:海外名師引進計劃(SAFEA: Program for the Introduction of Renowned Overseas Professors)
國家外國專家局:高校國際化示范學院推進計劃(SAFEA: Network in International Centers for Education in China )
國家外國專家局:高等學校學科創新引智計劃(SAFEA: OEI for Disciplinary Innovation in Universities)
國家外國專家局:“一帶一路”教科文衛引智計劃(SAFEA: OEI under "Belt and Road Initiative" in Cultural and Educational Sector)
國家外國專家局:國家科研平臺外國專家支持計劃(SAFEA: Overseas Experts Supporting Programs under National Research Platform)
國家外國專家局:與大師對話-諾貝爾獎獲得者校園行項(SAFEA: Dialogue with Masters-Nobel Prize Laureates on Campus)
國家外國專家局:文教類外國青年人才引進項目(SAFEA: Introduction of Overseas Young Talents in Cultural and Educational Sector)
國家外國專家局:部屬高校學校特色項目(SAFEA: Special Programs with Universities Directly under the Administration of Ministries and Commissions of the Central Government)
國家外國專家局:首席外國專家項目(SAFEA: Project for Chief Foreign Experts)
國家外國專家局:經技類青年外國專家項目(SAFEA: Project for Young Foreign Experts in Economic and Technological Sector)
國家外國專家局:經技類重點外國專家項目(SAFEA: Project for Key Foreign Experts in Economic and Technological Sector)
教育部:長江學者獎勵計劃(Ministry of Education: Changjiang Scholars Program)
教育部:中美富布賴特項目(Ministry of Education: The Fulbright Program)
國土資源部:中國地質科學院地質研究所黃汲清青年人才計劃(Ministry of Land and Resources:The Youth Talent Plan of Huangjiqing )
農業部:中國農業科學院青年英才計劃(Ministry of Agriculture: The Young Talents Program under Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences)
文化部:海外高層次文化人才引進計劃(Ministry of Culture:The Recruitment Plan for High-level Overseas Cultural Talents)
衛生和計劃生育委:國家食品安全風險評估中心“532”人才計劃(National Health and Family Planning Commission:"532" Talents Program under China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment)
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