點擊:0 ???時間:2019-06-28 09:20:07
勞 動 合 同 書
Labor Contract
Party A (Employer):
Legal Representative:
Party B (Employee):
ID No.:
戶口所在地: 湖南 省 長沙 市 **** 縣(區)
Registered Permanent Residence: ***** County (District), Changsha City, Hunan Province
Mailing Address:
Contact No.:
緊急聯系人: 聯系電話:
Emergency Contact: Contact No.:
According to the Labor Law of PRC, Labor Contract Law of PRC, and relevant laws and regulations, through negotiations, Party A and Party B concluded the following contract terms for mutual compliance, based on the principle of equality, freewill and consensus.
Article 1. Contract Period
合同期為 1 年 月,從 2018 年 6 月 9 日 起 至 2019 年 6 月 9日止(其中,試用期為 個月)。本合同期滿時合同即行終止,如因工作需要,甲乙雙方可續簽勞動合同?!?br />
The contract period is 1 year from June 9, 2018 to June 9, 2019 (the probation period is months). The contract shall be terminated upon expiration, and both parties may renew the Labor Contract for work needs.
Article 2. Job Content and Working Place
1、根據工作任務的需要,甲方安排乙方在甲方所在地 **** 承擔 ****工作任務?!?br />
1. According to the needs of work task, Party A arranges Party B to do *** in *****.
2. Party B agrees that according to the work needs, Party A can change Party B’s post and work task, or assign Party B to finish temporary tasks.
3. Party B shall finish the work task on time by guaranteeing the quality and quantity, in accordance with the job responsibilities specified by Party A.
Article 3. Working Time, Rest and Vocation
1. Party B’s working time shall be determined in accordance with the post. The posts except for administrative office staffs like planner and director will be implemented flexible (irregular) working system which is subject to the completion of work task arranged by Party A. The administrative office staffs will be implemented standard working system which is 8 hours a day.
2. During the contract period, Party B enjoys the rights of rest and vocations regulated by the state; Party A shall guarantee that Party B can take at least one day off each week. The specific implementation of rest and vocation shall be subject to relevant regulations by the state and Party A.
3. Under normal circumstances, Party A shall not arrange Party B to work overtime; in particular cases that Party A arranges Party B to work overtime, Party A shall arrange Party B to take some time off later or pay Party B the overtime wage, in accordance with Labor Law and relevant regulations of Party A.
Article 4. Labor Remuneration
1. In accordance with relevant policies, the Party A’s salary system, and the work nature of Party B’s post, during the contract period, the standard of Party B’s labor remuneration is:
(1) 基本工資 ¥******
(1) Basic wage: ¥******
(2) 稿費 項目核發
(2) Payment for writings: to be released in accordance with project
(3) 績效獎金 年底核發
(3) Performance bonus: to be released at the end of year
(4) 其它
(4) Others:
The wage in the probation period is 80% of the amount under basic wage level, and shall not be lower than the amount under minimum wage level in the place where Party A is located. If Party B is not qualified for the position, fails to complete the work task or fails to meet the job requirements, Party A shall have the rights to adjust the basic wage level, adjust the position and terminate the Labor Contract.
2. Party A shall pay Party B labor remuneration in full and on time in accordance with Party A’s performance, the provisions of Labor Contract, and the national regulations.
湖南翻譯公司玖九翻譯中心是一家專業的語言翻譯機構,近年來已順利與多家知名上市企業合作以及與本地電視臺深度合作,我們期待與您的合作,我們以專業優質的翻譯質量,高效快速的反應,采用免費終身售后服務,貼心的服務,實現了從翻譯到維護的一站式服務,便捷靈活的付款方式,完善盡責的售后服務立足湖南,服務全國以及全球。憑借人才優勢、服務質量,每年為北京、上海、廣州、南京、蘇州、深圳、武漢、杭州等地客戶提供9000萬字翻譯翻譯服務,自2008年至今,我們的客戶投訴率為零,譯員出色的翻譯能力和高質量翻譯水準得到客戶一致好評。如需了解更多翻譯資訊及翻譯報價,敬請致電玖九翻譯熱線:0731-86240899 / 0731-83598216。